Sunday, October 19, 2008


Every weekend Mac's place, and the Hughes Triggs cafeteria closes at 6 pm on Friday, and does not open until 6 pm on Sunday. This is something I do not understand. How can a college cafeteria close on the weekends? 
I understand that maybe not as many SMU students visit these eating areas on friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but why do they have to close it completely? Why can't they have less staff working or open at specific hours. I know that I am always hungry late at night or early in the morning on Saturday and Sunday, and I know I am not the only one. 
Also, by closing the cafeteria on the weekends it forces students to eat out in restaurants. If you are a student at SMU and on a very strict budget how are you suppose to pay for all of these meals? If you have to eat out each weekend for each week of the year you will surely be spending hundreds of dollars. I do not think that this is fair. 
If the school does not want to keep the general cafeteria open than I think they should keep Mac's place open. Each time I am in there so many SMU students are there. I think that it makes so much sense, and is cost effective. 

1 comment:

AlmostFamous said...

I agree with you entirely. It seems like whenever I am hungry on the weekends, I shouldn't bother going to any of the places on campus that use my meal plan. I am always going to Le Madeline and spending all this extra money when I shouldn't have to. I use a debit card which is loaded up with all my money I earned from this summer. I haven't been using my meal plan as much as I should. My roommate and I have tons of groceries and go out to eat often. I really want to get out of this bad habit before I become BROKE!