Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This this Land Really There Land?

In class today, we discussed an article by Barbara Ehrenreich entitled, " This Land is Their Land." I was completely appalled by what was written. The author went on an angry tirade about her hatred for wealthy upper class Americans. As a feminist, socialist, and political activist, she expressed her opinion about how if a place is truly beautiful than you generally cannot afford to live there. 
Ehrenreich grew up in a small town in Montana, and as a result has small town mentality. How can she say that all wealthy Americans are ruining the character and charm of towns like Key West, The Hamptons, and Cape Code. She said, " There's the elusive of charm, which quickly drains away in a uniform population of a multimillionaires." I do not agree with this statement. Yes, some people may be displaced, but I think generally the wealthy are helping the communities they move into. They are bringing in job prospects that were not there before, and enriching the community. 
I am from New York and each summer I visit both the Hampstons and Cape Code. Of course they are amazing houses, but I believe that a rustic and a small town feelings exists. The world is constantly changing and I think that Ms. Ehrenreich cannot be so naive her her beliefs. Not every wealthy American is building a McMansion and trying to tear down a community. 

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