Sunday, September 21, 2008

College Roomates Post

I just commented one Jessie531's blog about college roomates. I agreed 100% with what was said. I find it really hard living with another person, because I have been fortunate to have had my own rooom and bathroom my whole life. It is going to be a challenge to find that perfect balance between putting my roomate first and me first. Luckily, I have a great roomate and I know we will find a way to make it work! I do not mind turning off the TV when she wants to sleep or study, and I know that she would do the same for me. 

Parents Weekend in a Hotel

Parents weekend has come and gone. It was really nice seeing my family, but what I am really going to miss is the hotel. I had my own bed, my own shower, and my own TV. A month living in the doors at SMU really makes you appreciate the simple pleasures in life.
I felt like I wasn't a college student, but a guest at a hotel enjoying a nice and relaxing vacation with my family. After eating and sleeping so well how am I suppose to come back to the reality of dorm life? After only three days, the transition is going to be difficult. I am not completely naive, I know living in the dorm is a right of passage for every freshman in college, but am I the only one who thinks it should be a tradition that we should not continue? I know that the proximity to class is great, and access to friends is a plus, but in my opinion the cons out
way the pros.
SMU is such a beautiful school and so I cannot understand why the dorms are so lackluster. I know that cannot be five star hotels, but I do think that they leave a lot to be desired. In my hall the rooms are very small, and there are constant problems with the A.C. People are always sick and as a result getting there friends sick. The bathrooms are communal, which is know is normal for a college dorm, but they are never cleaned and the showers are way too small!
I have already begun a countdown for October break, when I can go home and enjoy the simple pleasures that I miss when I am at school. Until that time, I guess I will have to suck it up like every other freshman on campus.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Comment on Death Spiral

I commented on the blog, " A Contempoary Introduction to Freestyle" called Death Sprial. I agree 100% with the topic of time management and the struggle between balancing your academic and social lives. Everyone is going through the rocky adjustment between high school and college life and I think it is definitly going to take sometime to get used to. We no longer have our moms and dads around to regulate the hours spent watching tv, and going out. As scary as that thought is, We are going to have to do it ourselves. Of course I welcome the thought of freedom and responcibility, because I am 19 years old and I just hope I don't mess it up my first go around!

Link to " Death Spiral"......

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Facebook Addiction

I am addicted to facebook. I can sit for hours looking through wall posts, pictures of my friends and people in my network without ever being bored. I love tagging myself in pictures taken at parties over the weekend and the night before, while writing messages to friends I haven't seen in a while.
Facebook is probably the must distracting invention ever created for someone like me in college. I wonder how long assignments would really take me to complete if I wasn't constantly on facebook. I would guess that I probably spend double the time I normally would. And even though I know all of this ,I still can't stop from going on, and I am sure you can't either. I know I am not the only one feeling this way! I know that most everyone has felt the same way I do last year in High school, and now in college. 
There is just something about facebook that makes you want to check it whenever your're at the computer to see if you have any new messages. It must be the combination of hating to do my work and wishing I was doing anything else other than studying. Maybe if i enjoyed the topics more in some of my classes, I would not go on facebook as much.
I am going to try and make a conscious effort to avoid going online, whenever I have homework and important assignments that are due. I am thinking it will be like an experiment to see how much better my grades will be and how much faster I will be able to complete them. I'm sure ill end up breaking my new rule, but at least I'm attempting to try!