Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Life and Death Decision?

I am I the only freshmen getting annoyed with sorority recruitment? I love meeting new people and experiencing new things, but I find myself constantly acting so fake. Meeting all the necessary girls is one thing, but having to go to each greek event with a smile is another. I find it so exhausting. It has become one giant competition amongst the freshmen girls. Who can meet more Kappas or who can have coffee with more Theta's ect. I do not understand why joining a sorority at SMU has become such a big ordeal. Most of my friends go to schools in the North- East and do not have as much pressure but on them as we do. They do not even have to have rec's for sororities. They think in schools like Dartmouth that you should be yourself and having rec's is trying to hard. Its funny, because all of the different girls I have met for lunch or coffee have been so nice and welcoming and have even said they felt the same as I do now when they were freshmen. 
I want to join a sorority, but I don't understand why can't SMU let go of some of their rules. Why can't we meet these girls for lunch or dinner off campus or Why can't I visit my friends in sororities at there apartments off- campus? Why does it have to be this strict process with so many rules? I love tradition and I am not saying I think SMU should get rid of all of there rules but some I think have to go. Joining a sorority should be a fun process and not stressful one. 

1 comment:

Genesis said...

Yes I agree. I was considering rushing back in May but I went to a sorority meeting about recruitment at my high school which deterred me from wanting to go through the experience mainly because of applications and rec's and all these different things not to mention the stress of actual rush week. I've decided not to go through with it at all for these reasons and also because with my hour load I don't think I could handle being in a sorority and all the activities it requires. After learning about rec letters I was especially annoyed because I had just spent my entire senior year, it felt like, getting letters from teachers to send to colleges and sending apps to 13 different colleges and I was not about to put myself through that again. I had no idea other schools didn't require letters for sororities but I think that's awesome. Kind of like joining a club, you shouldn't have to flash your resume to join a club, you just have to be interested in what the club does or is about or at least interested in finding out what it's about.